纽约警局搜寻失踪的雪车 可能掉进圣雷吉斯河冰层 NYPD searches for missing snowmobiler who likely fell through St. Regis River ice.
纽约州警方正在寻找失踪的雪车, 可能于1月14日在温思罗普49号县道附近 圣雷吉斯河的冰层中坠落。 The New York State Police are searching for a missing snowmobiler who likely fell through the ice on the St. Regis River near County Route 49 in Winthrop on January 14. 在河底发现了一辆红色雪车,由于水流过快和黑暗,包括当地潜水队和无人驾驶飞机在内的搜索工作暂时中止。 A red snowmobile was found at the bottom of the river, and the search, which included local dive teams and a drone, was temporarily suspended due to fast currents and darkness. 这是在两周内在该地区发生的第二次此类事件。 This is the second such incident in the area within two weeks.