爱尔兰北部儿童贫困率仍高于20%,高于爱尔兰共和国的14%,呼吁将果的退税用于教育. Northern Ireland's child poverty rate remains above 20%, higher than the Republic's 14%, with calls to use Apple's back taxes for education.
经济和社会研究所的一份报告显示,北爱尔兰儿童收入贫穷率比爱尔兰共和国高、更不稳定,爱尔兰共和国的贫穷率已降至14%左右。 A report by the Economic and Social Research Institute shows child income poverty is higher and more volatile in Northern Ireland compared to the Republic of Ireland, where rates have fallen to about 14%. 在北爱尔兰,贫穷率一直保持在20%以上。 In Northern Ireland, poverty rates have stayed above 20%. 这两个领域在物质匮乏方面都有类似的趋势,但儿童权利联盟呼吁将苹果公司141亿欧元的后期税的一部分投资于教育和幼儿基础设施,以帮助减少贫穷。 Both areas see similar trends in material deprivation, but the Children's Rights Alliance calls for a portion of Apple’s €14.1 billion in back taxes to be invested in education and early childhood infrastructure to help reduce poverty.