拿撒勒大学的目标是在定于 2 月 28 日至 29 日举行的 Empire 8 Conference 上获得第三个室内冠军。 Nazareth University targets third indoor title at Empire 8 Conference, set for Feb. 28-29.
Empire 8 Conference 突出了 2024-25 赛季杰出的男子田径运动员。 The Empire 8 Conference has highlighted standout men's track and field athletes for the 2024-25 season. Nazareth大学旨在获得第三个室内头衔,而Utica大学寻求捍卫其户外锦标赛。 Nazareth University aims for a third indoor title, while Utica University seeks to defend its outdoor championship. 室内锦标赛定于2月28日至29日在Utica大学举行,新球队NUNY Brockport和NUNY Geneseo加入联盟。 The indoor championship is set for Feb. 28-29 at Utica University, with new teams SUNY Brockport and SUNY Geneseo joining the league.