边境的红鹰队在PVIAC 第二次室内赛道比赛中占据主导地位, 赢得了对抗敌对学校的多重胜利。 Frontier's Redhawks dominated the second PVIAC indoor track meet, securing multiple victories against rival schools.
在史密斯学院举行的第二次PVIAC室内赛道会议中,边界红鹰队以多重胜利为主导。 The second PVIAC indoor track meet at Smith College saw Frontier's Redhawks dominate with multiple victories. 男孩队赢得了贝州、莫霍克特雷尔和南哈德利的胜利,女孩们赢得了贝州和莫霍克特雷尔的胜利,但输给了南哈德利。 The boys' team won against Baystate, Mohawk Trail, and South Hadley, while the girls secured wins over Baystate and Mohawk Trail but lost to South Hadley. Greenfield的球队各赢得两场比赛 Mahar的手下击败了商业和Greenfield, Mitchell Krasco在多场比赛中表现优异。 Greenfield's teams each had two wins, and Mahar's boys defeated Commerce and Greenfield, with standout performances by Mitchell Krasco in multiple events. Mohawk Trail 球队输给了 Frontier。 The Mohawk Trail teams lost to Frontier.