MAP将腐败、教育和经济列为菲律宾2025年最大的商业关切。 MAP outlines corruption, education, and economy as top 2025 business concerns in the Philippines.
菲律宾管理协会(管理协会)在2025年将腐败、教育、经济、商业便利、气候变化、网络安全、与地方政府单位打交道等确定为企业最关切的问题。 The Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) identifies corruption, education, economy, ease of doing business, climate change, cybersecurity, and dealing with local government units as top concerns for businesses in 2025. 地中海行动计划计划通过以下途径解决这些问题:成员参与、提高国家竞争力、促进环境、社会和治理做法以及投资于青年。 MAP plans to address these issues through member engagement, improving country competitiveness, promoting environmental, social, and governance practices, and investing in the youth. 他们将与反红磁带管理局合作,打击腐败并提高商业效率。 They will collaborate with the Anti-Red Tape Authority to combat corruption and enhance business efficiency.