男子在Harrisburg无家可归者营地被严重焚烧;原因正在调查。 Man severely burned in fire at Harrisburg homeless encampment; cause under investigation.
一名男子严重烧伤,星期四上午在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡一个无家可归的营地发生火灾后,他处于危急状态。 A man suffered severe burns and is in critical condition after a fire broke out at a homeless encampment in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Thursday morning. 上午8时左右,一辆一次性自助餐车取暖起火,该男子被空运到医院。 The fire started from a disposable buffet tray warmer around 8 a.m. and the man was airlifted to the hospital. Harrisburg警察正在调查这一事件,据信这是意外事件。 Harrisburg police are investigating the incident, which is believed to be accidental. 随着调查的继续进行,预计将有更多的详情。 More details are expected as the investigation continues.