在流动住房倒塌后发现被烧伤的老人;由于与世隔绝而推迟救援。 Elderly man found burned after his mobile home collapsed; rescue delayed due to isolation.
一名老人在南卡罗来纳州科莱顿县的移动住宅被烧毁并倒塌后,脸部和手部被烧伤。 An elderly man suffered burns to his face and hands after his mobile home burned down and collapsed in Colleton County, South Carolina. 在他的疗养院护士发现他并打电话给911之前,他被困了一两天。 He was left stranded for a day or two before his hospice nurse discovered him and called 911. 消防人员发现他坐在院子里,将他送到南卡罗来纳医科大学烧伤中心。 Fire crews found him sitting in the yard and transported him to the Medical University of South Carolina's Burn Center. 火灾的起因正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is under investigation.