一名25岁的男子在纽卡斯尔被捕,因为他企图用注射器劫持一辆保时捷汽车。 A 25-year-old man was arrested in Newcastle for attempting to carjack a Porsche with a syringe.
一名携带注射器的25岁男子在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔试图劫持一辆保时捷后被逮捕。 A 25-year-old man armed with a syringe was arrested in Newcastle, Australia, after attempting to carjack a Porsche. 车主设法将嫌犯锁在车内,并于11月8日凌晨7时30分左右报警。 The vehicle's owner managed to lock the suspect inside the car and call the police at around 7:30 am on November 8. 警察在嫌疑人身上发现了甲基苯丙胺、被盗身份证和银行卡,嫌疑人被指控犯有七项罪行,包括严重攻击罪。 Police found methamphetamine, stolen ID, and bank cards on the suspect, who was charged with seven offenses, including aggravated assault. 他被拒绝保释,并定于本月晚些时候出庭。 He was denied bail and is set to appear in court later this month.