Lisa Findley被指控伪造签名 诈骗拍卖Elvis Presley的Graceland Lisa Findley faces federal charges for allegedly forging signatures to fraudulently auction Elvis Presley's Graceland.
密苏里女性Lisa Findley于4月16日在田纳西州面临联邦审判, 罪名是企图非法拍卖Elvis Presley的Graceland地产。 Missouri woman Lisa Findley faces a federal trial in Tennessee on April 16 for allegedly attempting to illegally auction Elvis Presley's Graceland estate. Findley被控犯有邮件欺诈和严重盗用身份罪,被指控伪造Lisa Marie Presley和Florida公证人Kimberly Philbrick的签名,要求以Graceland的欺诈性贷款作为抵押。 Findley is charged with mail fraud and aggravated identity theft, accused of forging signatures of Lisa Marie Presley and Florida notary Kimberly Philbrick to claim a fraudulent loan with Graceland as collateral. Philbrick否认参与了这个计划。 Philbrick denied involvement in the scheme.