伊拉克外交部长敦促伊朗支持的各派在区域变化中解除武装或加入官方部队。 Iraq's Foreign Minister urges Iran-backed factions to disarm or join official forces amid regional changes.
伊拉克外交部长福阿德·侯赛因呼吁伊朗支持的武装派别解除武装或加入正式安全部队。 Iraq's Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein has called for Iran-backed armed factions to disarm or join official security forces. 此举是在中东局势发生变化之际采取的,包括伊朗在加沙和黎巴嫩的盟友遭受挫折以及叙利亚政府被推翻。 This move comes amid shifting dynamics in the Middle East, including setbacks for Iran's allies in Gaza and Lebanon and the overthrow of Syria's government. 伊拉克的目标是平衡与美国和伊朗的关系,同时注重国内稳定和叙利亚局势。 Iraq aims to balance ties with both the U.S. and Iran, while focusing on internal stability and the situation in Syria.