伊朗最高领袖指控美国和以色列制造叙利亚混乱, 并声称年轻叙利亚人会抵制新秩序。 Iran's Supreme Leader accuses U.S. and Israel of causing chaos in Syria and claims young Syrians will resist the new order.
伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉·阿里·哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)断言,叙利亚年轻人将在总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar Assad)下台后抵制新政府。 Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, asserts that young Syrians will resist the new government following President Bashar Assad's ouster. 哈梅内伊指控美国和以色列制造叙利亚的混乱。 Khamenei accuses the U.S. and Israel of causing chaos in Syria. 他声称,年轻人没有什么可失去的,他们将反对那些制造不安全的人。 He claims that the young, who have nothing to lose, will stand against those who created insecurity. 哈梅内伊还否认伊朗使用代理人,称像真主党这样的组织是根据自己的信仰进行战斗的。 Khamenei also denies Iran's use of proxies, stating that groups like Hezbollah fight based on their own beliefs. 伊朗在叙利亚14年内战期间一直是阿萨德的重要支持者。 Iran has been a key supporter of Assad throughout Syria's 14-year civil war.