几内亚主要反对派联盟退出过渡理事会,批评政府拖延民主。 Guinea's main opposition coalition exits transitional council, criticizes junta's delay on democracy.
几内亚的主要反对派联盟几内亚维韦斯·德几内亚部队在执政的军政府未能遵守2024年12月恢复民主统治的最后期限之后,已退出全国过渡委员会。 The main opposition coalition in Guinea, Forces Vives de Guinée, has withdrawn from the National Transitional Council after the ruling junta failed to meet a December 2024 deadline for a return to democratic rule. 批评者声称军政府关于举行立宪公民投票的命令是扩大军事控制。 Critics claim the junta's decree for a constitutional referendum is to extend military control. 由马马迪·杜姆布亚上校领导的军政府解散了50多个政党,限制媒体自由,在首都科纳克里引发了抗议。 The junta, led by Col. Mamadi Doumbouya, has dissolved over 50 political parties and restricted media freedoms, sparking protests in the capital, Conakry.