克里斯·赖特 (Chris Wright) 面临着对气候变化与野火相关的观点的严格审查. Chris Wright, nominated for Energy Secretary, faces scrutiny over his views linking climate change to wildfires.
由当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名的裁员公司首席执行官克里斯·赖特(Chris Wright)在参议院确认听证会上因轻描淡写气候变化与野火之间的联系而受到批评。 Chris Wright, a fracking company CEO nominated by President-elect Donald Trump for Secretary of Energy, faced criticism during his Senate confirmation hearing for downplaying links between climate change and wildfires. 尽管民主党人对他在气候变化和气候活动家的破坏方面的立场感到担忧,但共和党人对他的确认充满信心。 Despite Democratic concerns over his stance on climate change and disruptions by climate activists, Republicans are confident in his confirmation. 支持扩大化石燃料生产的Wright承认气候变化, 但与野火等特定天气事件有直接关联。 Wright, who supports expanded fossil fuel production, acknowledges climate change but disputes direct links to specific weather events like wildfires.