拜登呼吁在告别演说中终止总统豁免权,提出宪法修正案。 Biden calls for ending presidential immunity in farewell speech, proposing a constitutional amendment.
总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在告别演说中呼吁修改宪法, 废除总统免予刑事起诉的豁免权, In his farewell speech, President Joe Biden called for a constitutional amendment to abolish presidential immunity from criminal prosecution, arguing it's crucial for holding presidents accountable. 这是在最高法院裁定总统对与其公务相关的行动享有豁免权之后作出的,这项裁决是拜登认为是对民主的威胁。 This comes after the Supreme Court ruled that presidents have immunity for actions related to their official duties, a decision Biden views as a threat to democracy. 拟议修正案需要三分之二的国会批准和四分之三的州批准。 The proposed amendment would require approval from two-thirds of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of states.