美国最高法院以6比3的票数裁定特朗普享有官方行为豁免权,将案件发回下级法院进行区分。 The US Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Trump has immunity for official acts, sending case back to lower court for distinction.
美国最高法院以6比3的投票结果裁定,前总统唐纳德·特朗普对其总统任期内的官方行为享有豁免权,但非官方行为不享有豁免权。 The US Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that former President Donald Trump has immunity for official acts during his presidency, but not for unofficial acts. 这一决定将案件发回下级法院,以裁定特朗普的哪些行为是官方行为,哪些行为是非官方行为。 This decision sends the case back to a lower court to determine which of Trump's actions were official and which were unofficial. 该裁决可能会保护特朗普免于因其官方行为而受到调查或起诉,尽管它并不适用于私人行为。 The ruling could potentially protect Trump from being investigated or prosecuted for his official actions, although it does not apply to private actions or conduct.