俄克拉荷马银行和其他26家银行由于供应商的系统故障,面临服务中断。 Bank of Oklahoma and 26 other banks face service disruptions due to a provider's system outage.
由于在阿肯色州Little Rock的服务提供者问题,俄克拉荷马银行面临大规模停业,影响移动银行业务、借记卡交易和其他系统。 Bank of Oklahoma is facing a major outage affecting mobile banking, debit card transactions, and other systems due to a service provider issue in Little Rock, Arkansas. 这种干扰也影响到另外26家银行。 This disruption has also impacted 26 other banks. 银行正在处理离线交易,预计系统将在星期四中午完全恢复。 The bank is processing transactions offline and expects systems to be fully restored by mid-day Thursday. 建议客户访问最近的银行中心寻求援助。 Customers are advised to visit their nearest banking center for assistance.