巴基斯坦库拉姆区援助车队遇袭事件突显出持续暴力和封锁。 Attack on aid convoy in Pakistan's Kurram district highlights ongoing violence and blockade.
向巴基斯坦西北部库拉姆区运送援助物资的车队在星期四遭到火箭袭击,损坏了一些车辆,并迫使其返回。 A convoy carrying aid to Kurram district in northwestern Pakistan was attacked with rockets on Thursday, damaging some vehicles and forcing it to turn back. 这次袭击是在什叶派和逊尼派部落之间数周的宗派暴力之后发生的,至少造成130人死亡。 This attack follows weeks of sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni tribes that has killed at least 130 people. 该地区一直受到封锁,导致粮食和药品短缺。 The region has been under a blockade, causing shortages of food and medicine. 尽管1月1日达成了和平协议,但道路仍然受阻,安全问题依然存在。 Despite a peace agreement reached on January 1, the road remains blocked, and security concerns persist.