阿拉巴马州推出新的护理方案和学徒计划,以解决保健工作者短缺问题。 Alabama introduces new nursing programs and apprenticeships to tackle healthcare worker shortage.
阿拉巴马社区学院系统(ACCS)推出了解决国家保健工作者短缺问题的新方案,包括22个有执照的实用护理方案和一个新的护理支助技术员认证学徒(NST-C)。 The Alabama Community College System (ACCS) has introduced new programs to address the state's healthcare worker shortage, including 22 licensed practical nursing programs and a new Nursing Support Technician-Certified (NST-C) apprenticeship. NST-C方案允许学生协助护士从事诸如抽血和提供呼吸道护理等任务。 The NST-C program allows students to assist nurses with tasks like drawing blood and providing respiratory care. ACCS还为高中学生推出了双重入学选择,在13 000名注册学生中,12%以上参加了这些方案。 ACCS also launched dual enrollment options for high school students, with over 12% of the 13,000 students enrolled participating in these programs. 这些举措旨在填补阿拉巴马州医院的2 000多个空缺职位。 The initiatives aim to fill over 2,000 vacant positions in Alabama's hospitals.