安大略省斥资 9,450 万加元扩大了长期护理院的护理和 PSW 学生安置计划,目标是到 2027 年提供 17,000 多个安置机会。 Ontario expands nursing and PSW student placements program in long-term care homes with $94.5M, aiming to provide 17,000+ placements by 2027.
安大略省正在扩大一项计划,为长期护理院的护理和个人支持工作者学生提供临床实习。 Ontario is expanding a program that provides clinical placements for nursing and personal support worker students in long-term care homes. 该计划自 2021 年以来已协助 500 家长期护理机构提供了超过 17,000 个安置点,并将在三年内获得 9,450 万美元的资金,以在 2027 年之前支持额外的 31,000 个安置点。 The program, which has already assisted 500 long-term care facilities in providing more than 17,000 placements since 2021, will receive $94.5 million over three years to support an additional 31,000 placements by 2027. 该计划的目标是通过为学生提供更多实践临床培训来建立人才管道,以提高长期护理居民的护理质量。 The goal of the program is to build a pipeline of talent by giving students more hands-on clinical training to improve the quality of care for long-term care residents.