ZORO呼吁恢复印度-缅甸边境免签证旅行, ZORO calls for reinstating visa-free travel along India-Myanmar border, citing resident inconvenience.
代表印度、缅甸和孟加拉国的Mizo部落的Zo重新统一组织(ZORO)呼吁恢复沿印度-缅甸边界的自由流动制度(FMR)。 The Zo Re-unification Organisation (ZORO), representing Mizo tribes in India, Myanmar, and Bangladesh, is calling for the reinstatement of the Free Movement Regime (FMR) along the India-Myanmar border. FMR 允许免签证旅行,但内政部以安全和人口问题为由,用一个系统取代了它,要求边境 10 公里范围内的居民提供边境通行证。 The FMR allowed visa-free travel, but the Ministry of Home Affairs replaced it with a system requiring a border pass for residents within 10 km of the border, citing security and demographic concerns. ZORO认为,这个新系统给需要探亲或求医的当地人造成不便。 ZORO argues this new system causes inconvenience for locals needing to visit family or seek medical treatment.