Naga人民阵线以破坏文化联系为由, 抗议印度与缅甸边界围墙计划, Naga People's Front protests against India's plan to fence border with Myanmar, citing harm to cultural ties.
Naga人民阵线(NPF)抗议印度政府在Naga祖传土地上为与缅甸接壤的边界设置围栏并终止自由运动制度的计划。 The Naga People's Front (NPF) protested against the Indian government's plan to fence the border with Myanmar and end the Free Movement Regime (FMR) in Naga ancestral lands. 印度人民党领导的执政政府的合作伙伴 NPF 认为,围栏将损害印度和缅甸那加人之间的文化和经济联系。 The NPF, a partner in the ruling BJP-led government, argues the fence would damage cultural and economic ties between Nagas in India and Myanmar. 抗议呼吁团结一致,保护那加人民的文化特征。 The protest calls for unity to protect the cultural identity of the Naga people.