美国船舶运营商采用了新的燃料管理系统,以削减六艘船舶的成本和排放。 US vessel operator adopts new fuel management system to cut costs and emissions on six ships.
美国一家主要船舶运营商在其六艘内陆和近海岸船只上采用了燃料trax燃料管理系统,以优化作业和减少排放。 A major U.S. vessel operator has adopted Fueltrax's fuel management system on six of its inland and near-coastal vessels to optimize operations and reduce emissions. 由前美国航天局工程师开发的EFMS系统测量直接燃料消耗,有助于降低成本和环境影响。 Developed by former NASA engineers, the EFMS system measures direct fuel consumption, helping to cut costs and environmental impact. 主要客户Holcim正在对在大湖区和东海岸航行的船只使用该系统。 Key client Holcim is using the system on vessels operating on the Great Lakes and East Coast.