两名副警长在囚犯死后在格兰特县监狱休了假;调查仍在进行中。 Two deputies placed on leave after inmate's death at Grant County Jail; investigation ongoing.
在2024年12月31日囚犯Richard Lambert死亡后,Grant县监狱的两名副手被安排带薪行政假。 Two deputies at Grant County Jail have been placed on paid administrative leave following the death of inmate Richard Lambert on December 31, 2024. Lambert,31岁,于12月27日因非法侵入和妨碍执法而被捕。 Lambert, 31, had been arrested on December 27 for trespassing and obstructing law enforcement. 警长Joe Kriete强调,休假是保护调查程序的标准做法,并不意味着不法行为。 Sheriff Joe Kriete emphasized that the leave is a standard practice to protect the investigation process and does not imply wrongdoing. 中央流域调查队正在领导正在进行的调查。 The Central Basin Investigative Team is leading the ongoing investigation.