研究将儿童虐待与成年后风湿性关节炎、小丝虫病的较高风险联系起来。 Study links childhood abuse to higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis in adulthood.
Birmingham大学的一项研究发现,遭受儿童虐待或忽视的人在成年后患风湿性关节炎或皮丝虫病的风险较高。 A University of Birmingham study found that individuals who experienced childhood abuse or neglect have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis in adulthood. 通过分析超过1 600万份电子健康记录,研究表明妇女受到的影响更大。 Analyzing over 16 million electronic health records, the research showed women were more affected. 这是将儿童虐待与后来的免疫媒介性煽动性疾病联系起来的第一项纵向研究。 This is the first longitudinal study linking childhood maltreatment to later immune-mediated inflammatory disorders.