参议员蒂姆·凯恩 (Tim Kaine) 在国防部长听证会上质询皮特·赫格塞斯 (Pete Hegseth) 的不忠和袭击指控。 Senator Tim Kaine questions Pete Hegseth on infidelity and assault allegations during his Defense Secretary hearing.
在皮特·赫格塞斯 (Pete Hegseth) 的国防部长确认听证会上,参议员蒂姆·凯恩 (Tim Kaine) 询问他关于不忠和 2017 年性侵犯指控的问题,赫格塞斯否认了这一指控。 During Pete Hegseth's confirmation hearing for Defense Secretary, Senator Tim Kaine questioned him about infidelity and a 2017 sexual assault allegation, which Hegseth denied. 凯恩还提到了赫格塞斯的小女儿,这引发了保守派的批评。 Kaine also mentioned Hegseth's young daughter, sparking criticism from conservatives. 听证会的重点是赫格塞斯的个人生活,而不是他的资历,这引发了关于政治虚伪和适当性的辩论。 The hearing focused on Hegseth's personal life rather than his qualifications, leading to debates over political hypocrisy and appropriateness. 赫格塞斯坚称,他“完全洗清了”性侵犯指控,并否认了其他个人不当行为指控。 Hegseth maintained he was "completely cleared" of the sexual assault allegation and denied other personal misconduct claims.