威廉王子考虑让露易丝·温莎夫人 和詹姆士成为王室成员 减轻老皇室的负担 Prince William considers turning Lady Louise Windsor and James into working royals to lighten load on elder royals.
威廉王子正在考虑让露易丝·温莎夫人及其兄弟詹姆斯为皇室工作,允许他们获得公共资金和履行公务。 Prince William is considering making Lady Louise Windsor and her brother James working royals, allowing them to receive public funding and perform official duties. Edward王子和Sophie的兄弟姐妹、Wessex伯爵夫人的子女没有使用HRH头衔,而是受到更正常的教育。 The siblings, children of Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, have not used the HRH title and were raised with a more normal upbringing. 此举可有助于减少老皇室的工作量,加强君主制。 This move could help reduce the workload on older royals and strengthen the monarchy.