由于查尔斯三世的健康 威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿 准备扮演国王和女王的角色 Prince William and Kate Middleton are preparing to take on roles as King and Queen due to Charles III's health.
由于查尔斯三世国王的健康问题,威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿王子正在加速准备今后担任联合王国国王和女王的角色。 Prince William and Kate Middleton are accelerating their preparations for future roles as King and Queen of the United Kingdom due to King Charles III's health issues. 由于查尔斯在癌症治疗期间接受了限制 威廉承担了更多的皇家职责 As Charles has accepted limitations during his cancer treatment, William has taken on more royal duties. 也接受癌症治疗的凯特, 正在专注于健康, 同时也在为她最终扮演女王的角色做准备。 Kate, who also underwent cancer treatment, is focusing on health while preparing for her eventual role as Queen. 夫妇双方正在兼顾家庭时间和日益加重的责任。 The couple is balancing family time with their growing responsibilities.