匹兹堡企鹅捐赠彩票收益 帮助洛杉矶野火受害者 支持当地执法部门 Pittsburgh Penguins donate raffle proceeds to help LA wildfire victims and support local law enforcement.
匹兹堡企鹅及其基金会正在帮助洛杉矶野火受害者, The Pittsburgh Penguins and their foundation are helping wildfire victims in Los Angeles by donating proceeds from a 50/50 raffle at their game on January 14th. 这项努力支持那些受到洛杉矶县最近毁灭性野火影响的人。 This effort supports those affected by the recent devastating wildfires in LA County. 此外,企鹅组织通过与国家执法人员纪念基金建立伙伴关系,支持当地执法。 Additionally, the Penguins are supporting local law enforcement through a partnership with the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.