巴基斯坦和吉布提签署了《谅解备忘录》,以促进政治、经济和安全合作。 Pakistan and Djibouti signed an MoU to boost political, economic, and security cooperation.
巴基斯坦和吉布提签署了《双边政治协商谅解备忘录》,旨在通过增加政治、经济和安全合作加强双方的伙伴关系。 Pakistan and Djibouti signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Bilateral Political Consultations, aiming to enhance their partnership through increased political, economic, and security cooperation. 开幕会议讨论了区域问题,特别是中东和非洲之角。 The inaugural session discussed regional issues, particularly the Middle East and Horn of Africa. 在此之前,巴基斯坦于2022年5月在吉布提设立了常驻团,下一次协商定于明年初在伊斯兰堡举行。 This follows Pakistan opening its resident mission in Djibouti in May 2022, and the next consultation is set for Islamabad early next year.