OpenAI在ChatGPT中推出新的“任务”功能, OpenAI launches a new "Tasks" feature in ChatGPT, offering reminders and updates to premium users.
OpenAI在ChatGPT中引入了一个新的贝塔功能, 名为“任务”, 让用户可以安排提醒及重复更新, 如天气报告或事件提醒等。 OpenAI has introduced a new beta feature in ChatGPT called "Tasks," allowing users to schedule reminders and recurring updates like weather reports or event reminders. 包括Plus、Team和Pro用户在内的高价客户可以使用这一功能,用户可以通过聊天或专用任务管理标签来管理任务。 Available to premium customers including Plus, Team, and Pro users, this feature lets users manage tasks through chat or a dedicated tasks manager tab. OpenAI计划在全球向付费用户推出该功能,今后可能扩大到所有用户。 OpenAI plans to roll out the feature globally to paying users, with potential future expansion to all users.