OpenAI 在 ChatGPT 中引入了“任务”,添加了提醒和操作以与 Siri 和 Alexa 竞争。 OpenAI introduces 'Tasks' in ChatGPT, adding reminders and actions to compete with Siri and Alexa.
OpenAI 为 ChatGPT 推出了一项名为“任务”的测试版功能,使用户能够设置提醒和重复操作,与 Siri 和 Alexa 等虚拟助手竞争。 OpenAI has launched a beta feature called 'Tasks' for ChatGPT, enabling users to set reminders and recurring actions, competing with virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. 该功能根据用户聊天建议任务,并将在未来几天内从 Web 平台开始向 Plus、Team 和 Pro 用户推出。 The feature suggests tasks based on user chats and will be rolled out to Plus, Team, and Pro users over the next few days, starting on the web platform. 此举是在增加对 AI 公司的投资并更新现有的虚拟助手(如 Alexa 和 Siri)以保持与 GenAI 驱动的聊天机器人的竞争力之后进行的。 This move follows increased investment in AI companies and updates to existing virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri to stay competitive with GenAI-powered chatbots.