作为保健改善倡议的一部分,安大略省为新的前列腺癌治疗提供资金。 Ontario funds new prostate cancer treatment as part of healthcare improvement initiative.
安大略省正在资助一项新的前列腺癌治疗,作为改善癌症护理的更广泛倡议的一部分。 Ontario is funding a new prostate cancer treatment as part of a broader initiative to improve cancer care. 该省旨在更好地提供创新治疗和个性化护理。 The province aims to provide better access to innovative treatments and personalized care. 其他新闻包括针对 Loblaws、沃尔玛和 Sobeys 的肉类销售偏重的集体诉讼,以及 Meta 公司计划裁员 5%。 Other news includes a class-action lawsuit against Loblaws, Walmart, and Sobeys for underweight meat sales, and the Meta company planning to cut 5% of its workforce. 此外,加拿大的保健系统落后于其他国家,特斯拉正在调查其“实际智能求救”特征。 Additionally, Canada's healthcare system is lagging behind other countries, and Tesla is under investigation for its "Actually Smart Summon" feature.