新奥尔良警方在德西街附近发现尸体后 调查涉嫌杀人案 New Orleans police investigating suspected homicide after human remains found in Desire neighborhood.
1月14日凌晨11点56分左右, 新奥尔良警察局正在调查一起疑似杀人案。 The New Orleans Police Department is investigating a suspected homicide after human remains were found in the Desire neighborhood on January 14 at around 11:56 a.m. 尸体是在阿尔莫纳斯特街与佛罗里达街交汇处发现的 The body was discovered at the intersection of Almonaster and Florida avenues. NOPD正在作为凶杀案调查处理此案,但并未透露受害人身份的任何详情。 The NOPD is handling the case as a homicide investigation, but has not released any details about the victim's identity.