在长岛布伦特伍德的一个水坑中发现了人类遗骸,这促使了一项正在进行的调查。 Human remains were discovered in a sump in Brentwood, Long Island, prompting an ongoing investigation.
人类遗骸在11月4日在长岛的布伦特伍德附近的五大道和班克罗夫特路附近的水槽中被发现. Human remains were found in a sump in Brentwood, Long Island, near Fifth Avenue and Bancroft Road on November 4th. 萨福克县警察已将遗体送到验尸官办公室辨认和确定死亡原因。 Suffolk County Police have taken the remains to the medical examiner's office for identification and to determine the cause of death. 调查正在进行中,当局正在敦促任何有情报的人在631-852-6392室与凶杀组联系。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are urging anyone with information to contact the Homicide Squad at 631-852-6392. 随着案件的发展,将提供进一步最新情况。 Further updates will be provided as the case develops.