哈萨克斯坦执行新的银行业务规则,打击毒品贩运和非法活动。 Kazakhstan implements new banking rules to combat drug trafficking and illegal activities.
哈萨克斯坦制定了新的金融规则,以打击贩毒和其他非法活动。 Kazakhstan has introduced new financial rules to fight drug trafficking and other illegal activities. 除商人、投资者和外交官外,向外国人发放的银行卡在一年后到期。 Bank cards issued to foreigners now expire in one year, with exceptions for businessmen, investors, and diplomats. 银行必须查明与贩毒和未经授权的数字交易有关的交易,加强对持有多卡客户的评估,并通过正式文件核实企业所有权。 Banks must detect transactions related to drug trafficking and unauthorized digital exchanges, enhance assessments for clients with multiple cards, and verify business ownership through official documents. 这些措施旨在改善安全和经济增长。 These measures aim to improve security and economic growth.