卡纳塔克(Karnataka)的内政部长呼吁在政治辩论中发布一份有争议的种姓人口普查报告。 Karnataka's Home Minister calls for releasing a controversial caste census report amid political debate.
卡纳塔卡(Karnataka)的内政部长呼吁公布一份有争议的种姓人口普查报告, Karnataka's Home Minister has called for the release of a controversial caste census report, set to be discussed in the state cabinet. 这份成本为160卢比的报告,因有缺陷和在政治影响下编写而遭到英国正义党和JD(S)的批评。 The report, costing Rs 160 crore, faces criticism from BJP and JD(S) for being flawed and prepared under political influence. 有影响的社区要求进行新的调查,而其他群体则要求执行报告的调查结果。 Influential communities demand a new survey, while other groups push for implementing the report's findings. 政府将在分析后决定任何行动。 The government will decide any actions post-analysis.