卡纳塔克高等法院允许对首席部长妻子的土地分配进行调查, 命令高级官员监督. Karnataka High Court allows investigation into land allotments to CM's wife, orders high-ranking officer oversight.
卡纳塔卡高等法院允许对分配给卡纳塔卡首席部长Siddaramaiah的妻子的土地继续进行调查,因为一名RTI活动分子声称调查无效。 The Karnataka High Court has allowed an investigation into land allotments to Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's wife to continue, after an RTI activist claimed the investigation was not effective. 法庭命令一名高级官员监督侦查工作。 The court ordered a high-ranking officer to supervise the probe. 该案涉及14个地点,据称在2021年分配了价值56卢比的场地,这些场地后来已经归还。 The case involves 14 sites worth Rs 56 crore allegedly allotted in 2021, which have since been returned. 法院还休庭,要求CBI调查此案,确定进一步听审的日期。 The court also adjourned a hearing seeking a CBI probe into the case, setting a date for further hearing. 积极分子怀疑当前调查的透明度,要求由CBI牵头进行公正调查。 Activists doubt the transparency of the current investigation, demanding a CBI-led probe for impartiality.