卡纳塔克高等法院听取关于将涉及CM的妻子的 Mysuru土地骗局探测器移交CBI的请求。 Karnataka High Court to hear plea to transfer Mysuru land scam probe, involving CM's wife, to CBI.
卡纳塔卡高等法院将于12月19日听取一项请求, 将Mysuru城市发展局(MUDA)的骗局调查移交CBI。 The Karnataka High Court will hear a plea on December 19 to transfer the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) scam investigation to the CBI. 该骗局涉及指控首席部长Siddaramaiah的妻子在Mysuru市收到14笔非法土地分配款。 The scam involves allegations that Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's wife received 14 illegal land allotments in Mysuru city. Lokyukta警察目前正在调查此案,执法局也提交了洗钱案件。 The case is currently under investigation by the Lokayukta Police, with the Enforcement Directorate also filing a money laundering case. Siddaramaiah否认任何不当行为,称这些指控出于政治动机。 Siddaramaiah denies any wrongdoing, calling the allegations politically motivated.