IRS延长了受2024年自然灾害和冲突影响的小企业的纳税期限。 IRS extends tax filing deadlines for small businesses hit by 2024 natural disasters and conflicts.
国税局正在提醒受2024年自然灾害影响的小企业,它们的纳税申报期限正在临近。 The IRS is reminding small businesses affected by 2024 natural disasters that their tax filing deadlines are approaching. 14个州和2个领土的部分企业须在2025年2月3日或5月1日之前根据地点提交2023年的回报。 Businesses in parts of 14 states and 2 territories have until February 3 or May 1, 2025, to file their 2023 returns, depending on location. 联邦紧急事务管理局在指定为灾区的地区向灾区居民提供延伸服务。 Extensions are granted to those in areas designated as disaster zones by FEMA. 受加沙和黎巴嫩冲突影响的纳税人到9月30日为止,受加州野火影响的纳税人到10月15日为止。 Taxpayers affected by conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon have until September 30, and those impacted by California wildfires have until October 15. 国税局建议迅速采取行动避免处罚。 The IRS advises prompt action to avoid penalties.