2024年,国税局为受灾害影响的纳税人2023年的纳税申报规定了不同的截止日期。 The IRS sets varied deadlines for 2023 tax filings for taxpayers affected by disasters in 2024.
国税局已提醒24个州和2个领土的纳税人,2023年因灾害而延期纳税的纳税人,将在2025年2月初或5月之前根据其所在地点提交申报。 The IRS has reminded taxpayers in 24 states and two territories with 2023 tax filing extensions due to disasters to file by early February or May 2025, depending on their location. 在春末至2024年底之间受灾害影响的纳税人有资格获得这一延长。 Taxpayers affected by disasters between late spring and the end of 2024 are eligible for this extension. 此外,美国在以色列、加沙和西岸的纳税人以及受以色列恐怖袭击影响的纳税人,直到2025年9月30日才提交申报。 Additionally, U.S. taxpayers in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, and those affected by terrorist attacks in Israel, have until September 30, 2025, to file.