Grocery店主Rajan Babbar因违反联邦欺诈法,以现金交换SNAP福利而被捕。 Grocery store owner Rajan Babbar arrested for exchanging SNAP benefits for cash, violating federal fraud laws.
Grocery店主Rajan Babbar因食品邮票和电线欺诈被捕。 Grocery store owner Rajan Babbar was arrested on charges of food stamp and wire fraud. Babbar的商店(印度的Taste)于2016年成为SNAP零售商, Babbar's store, Taste of India, became a SNAP retailer in 2016 but was placed on a "watch list" in 2018 due to unusual food stamp transactions. 尽管在2020年支付了1 932美元的罚款,2023年的卧底行动发现Babbar多次以现金交换SNAP津贴。 Despite paying a $1,932 fine in 2020, undercover operations in 2023 found Babbar exchanging SNAP benefits for cash multiple times. 调查涉及USDA-OIG、FBI和林奇堡警方。 The investigation involved the USDA-OIG, FBI, and Lynchburg Police.