前马耳他警官和另外两人否认与记者Daphne Caruana Galizia谋杀案调查有关的指控。 Former Maltese police officer and two others deny charges linked to journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder investigation.
被控腐败和洗钱的前马耳他警官Ray Aquilina和商人Yorgen Fenech在法庭表示不认罪。 Former Maltese police officer Ray Aquilina and businessman Yorgen Fenech, both accused of corruption and money laundering, have pleaded not guilty in court. 在调查与记者Daphne Caruana Galizia被谋杀有关的泄漏事件后,他们还被指控泄露官方机密和作伪证。 They are also charged with leaking official secrets and perjury, following an investigation into leaks related to the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. 公证人Mario Bugeja也加入了他们,被控洗钱。 Notary Mario Bugeja joins them, charged with money laundering. 所有人都否认指控 All deny the charges.