马耳他前总理穆斯卡特、前办公厅主任斯肯布里和前能源部长米兹因医院私有化面临刑事指控。 Former Maltese PM Muscat, ex-chief of staff Schembri, and former energy minister Mizzi face criminal charges for hospitals privatization.
马耳他前总理约瑟夫·穆斯卡特、前办公厅主任基思·谢姆布里以及前能源部长康拉德·米兹面临与三家公立医院私有化有关的刑事指控。 Former Maltese PM Joseph Muscat, his ex-chief of staff Keith Schembri, and former energy minister Konrad Mizzi face criminal charges linked to the privatisation of three public hospitals. 这些指控涉及向 Vitals Global Healthcare 的销售,治安法官 Gabriella Vella 的调查报告已转交给司法部长。 The charges involve the sale to Vitals Global Healthcare, with Magistrate Gabriella Vella's investigation report passed to the Attorney General. 马斯喀特依然坚称自己无罪,并誓言要对抗指控。 Muscat remains defiant, insisting on his innocence and pledging to fight the charges.