前1月6日委员会成员考虑赦免拜登, 担心川普报复。 Former January 6th committee members consider pardons from Biden, fearing Trump retribution.
包括本尼·汤普森主席在内的前1月6日众议院特选委员会成员正在考虑寻求拜登总统的赦免, Former January 6th House select committee members, including Chair Bennie Thompson, are considering seeking pardons from President Biden due to concerns about potential legal repercussions under President-elect Trump's administration. Trump谈到犯罪性地销毁证据,并威胁对委员会成员进行报复。 Trump has spoken about criminal destruction of evidence and has threatened retribution against committee members. Thompson说,如果得到赦免,他会接受赦免,在委员会和白宫就潜在的先发制人赦免进行讨论期间。 Thompson said he would accept a pardon if offered, amid discussions between the committee and the White House about potential preemptive pardons.