Blumenthal参议员反对赦免与1月6日有关的立法者, Senator Blumenthal opposes pardons for lawmakers tied to January 6, arguing it implies guilt.
参议员Richard Blumenthal反对拜登总统先发制人赦免参与1月6日委员会的立法者, Senator Richard Blumenthal opposes President Biden preemptively pardoning lawmakers involved with the January 6 committee, arguing that such pardons could imply guilt. 前检察官Blumenthal相信刑事司法系统,指出对这些立法者毫无根据的指控应导致对Donald Trump的强烈反弹。 Blumenthal, a former prosecutor, believes in the criminal justice system and states that unfounded charges against these lawmakers should result in a backlash against Donald Trump. 如果需要的话,他愿意为他们的防御提供资金。 He offers to help fund their defense if needed.