前开曼领导人发起新的政党TCCP,重点是为即将举行的选举建立问责制和改善治理。 Former Caymanian leaders launch new party, TCCP, focused on accountability and better governance for upcoming elections.
开曼社区党(TCCP)由前副总理安德烈·埃班克斯(Andre Ebanks)领导,于1月15日启动,重点是问责制和善政。 The Caymanian Community Party (TCCP), led by former Deputy Premier Andre Ebanks, launched on January 15 with a focus on accountability and good governance. 该党最初由7名候选人组成,旨在优先考虑开曼人的需求,并解决真正的社区问题。 The party's initial slate of seven candidates aims to prioritize the needs of Caymanians and address real community issues. 包括前总理韦恩·潘顿和其他关键人物在内的TCCP计划扩大其候选人名单,并在4月选举中挑战现任政府。 TCCP, which includes former Premier Wayne Panton and other key figures, plans to expand its candidate list and challenge the current government in the April elections. 该党强调基层的参与和透明度,以重建信任并确保更好的领导。 The party emphasizes grassroots engagement and transparency to rebuild trust and ensure better leadership.