Archie Wade博士是阿拉巴马大学第一位黑人教职员工 80岁就去世了 Dr. Archie Wade, first Black faculty member at University of Alabama, passes away at 80.
Archie Wade博士是阿拉巴马大学第一位黑人教职员工,是整合该大学体育场的关键人物,80岁时去世。 Dr. Archie Wade, the first Black faculty member at the University of Alabama and a key figure in integrating the university's stadium, has passed away at 80. 韦德曾是斯蒂尔曼学院 (Stillman College) 的多运动运动员和教练,被圣路易斯红雀队选中,后来在斯蒂尔曼执教。 Wade, a former multi-sport athlete and coach at Stillman College, was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals and later coached at Stillman. 他于2月7日被选入Stillman学院名人体育堂, He was selected for posthumous induction into the Stillman College Athletics Hall of Fame on February 7. 大学校长Stuart Bell哀悼Wade的逝世, 强调他对校园和社区的贡献。 The university president, Stuart Bell, mourned Wade's passing, highlighting his contributions to the campus and community.