阿拉巴马大学前足球运动员和体育主任比尔·巴特尔在82岁时去世. Former University of Alabama football player and athletic director Bill Battle has died at 82.
前阿拉巴马大学足球运动员兼运动主任Bill Battle 82岁去世。 Bill Battle, a former University of Alabama football player and athletic director, has passed away at 82. 20世纪60年代初在阿拉巴马州战役中, 帮助Paul "Bear" Bryant教练在1961年赢得了全国冠军。 Battle played for Alabama in the early 1960s, helping coach Paul "Bear" Bryant win the national championship in 1961. 后来,他成为田纳西州的总教练,并创立了合校许可证公司。 He later became head coach at Tennessee and founded the Collegiate Licensing Company. 2013年,他返回阿拉巴马,担任体育主任,领导该大学在四年任期内获得三次全国冠军。 In 2013, he returned to Alabama as athletic director, leading the university to three national championships during his four-year tenure. 退休后,战斗仍作为总统的特别助理留在大学。 Battle remained at the university as a special assistant to the president after retiring.