印度承认超过157 000个新开办企业,使其成为世界第三大开办中心。 India recognizes over 157,000 startups, making it the world's third-largest startup hub.
据促进工业和内部贸易部称,印度已经承认了157 066个初创企业,其中73 000个企业至少有一名女性董事。 India has recognized 157,066 startups, with 73,000 having at least one female director, according to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). 这一增长使印度成为世界第三大创业枢纽,拥有100多个独角兽。 This growth makes India the world's third-largest startup hub, featuring over 100 unicorns. 孟加拉、海得拉巴、孟买、德里NCR等城市正在带头推动创新浪潮。 Cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Delhi-NCR are leading this innovation surge. 2016年启动的印度创业倡议支持了包括fintech、edtech、保健技术和电子商务在内的部门的创业,为印度充满活力的创业生态系统作出了贡献。 The Startup India initiative, launched in 2016, supports startups in sectors including fintech, edtech, health-tech, and e-commerce, contributing to India's vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.