捷克Wultra公司担保3M欧元,以保护银行业免受未来计算机量子威胁。 Czech firm Wultra secures €3M to protect banking from future quantum computer threats.
捷克网络安全公司Wultra已获得300万欧元的资金,用于开发保护金融交易免遭未来计算机量子威胁的技术。 Czech cybersecurity firm Wultra has secured €3 million in funding to develop technology that protects financial transactions from future quantum computer threats. 该公司已经为各大银行提供服务,它将利用这些资金向西欧和东南亚扩展,那里的数字银行业务正在增长。 The company, which already serves major banks, will use the funds to expand into Western Europe and Southeast Asia, where digital banking is growing. 由于量子计算机可能打破目前的加密方法,在建立量子后认证解决方案方面提供投资援助至关重要。 The investment aids in the creation of post-quantum authentication solutions, crucial as quantum computers could break current cryptography methods.